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Targets, Results, and Other Matters Related to Climate Change

Targets, Results, and Other Matters Related to Climate Change

Japan Post Group has set the ultra-long-term target of "achieving carbon neutrality by 2050" and the milestone "46% (compared with FY2019)reduction by 2030" as a target of steadily promoting this goal in the Group Medium-term Management Plan, "JP Vision 2025+" as ESG targets. We will promote initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality.

Japan Post Group GHG Emission Reduction Target

Japan Post Group Environmental Challenge

Performance Data

Costs Related to Climate Change

Japan Post Group has formulated a plan to reduce energy consumption in our business activities and is committed to implementing it. In addition, after estimating the cost required to promote the plan and analyzing the impact on management, we will strive to use limited energy resources and mitigate climate change efficiently.

<Costs Related to Climate Change>

Details of initiatives (FY2021-) Costs related to climate change (millions of yen)
Changeover of vehicles
  • Introduction of electric vehicles (13,500 light vans and 28,000 motorcycles)
  • Switch to fuel efficient vehicles (410 light vans, 550 motorcycles)
Switch to high efficiency air conditioning and LED lighting, updating of counter equipment, etc. 87,400
Adoption of renewable energy, review of electricity procurement methods 800
Other energy conservation measures, improvement of business efficiency 700
Total 149,300

Specific Actions

Contribution to Climate Change-related Policies and Engagement with Governments and Others

  • Supporting government policies related to climate change

    Japan Post Holdings supports the Japanese government's laws regarding the promotion of global warming countermeasures, such as the "Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures" and the "Act on the rationalization of energy use and conversion to non-fossil energy".
    We regularly report to the Japanese government on the status of our efforts to combat global warming, and submit a report once a year on the status of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and energy usage.

  • The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)'s GX League Basic Concept

    Japan Post Holdings endorses the "Green Transformation (GX) League Basic Concept," a policy of the Japanese government (METI), and is participating in discussions on the detailed design and empirical demonstration of efforts toward implementing the "GX League." The GX League is a forum for companies aiming to realize sustainable growth in the present and future society to discuss and collaborate on all aspects of GX in industry, government and academia with a focus on emissions trading, with a view to achieving carbon neutrality and social change in 2050.
    The GX League initiatives include (1) discussions on the future vision of the carbon neutral era for ordinary citizens , (2) discussions on how to form a new GX market (rulemaking, etc.) based on the future vision, and (3) trials of voluntary emissions trading (GX-ETS) for efficient emission reductions in society.
    By endorsing the GX League Basic Concept, Japan Post Holdings will participate in demonstration projects for implementing an emissions trading system in Japan and actively contribute to the phased development of the GX League by offering its opinions on the proposed emissions trading system and rule formulation, thereby contributing to the practice of greenhouse gas emission reduction.

    METI's GX League Basic Concept(Japanese)
    GX League

  • Participation in the Green Innovation Fund Project "Smart Mobility Society Construction"

    Japan Post is participating in the "Smart Mobility Society Construction Project" of the Green Innovation Fund Projects*, which the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), a national research and development corporation, has publicly solicited for the purpose of achieving "carbon neutrality by 2050," a target set by the Japanese government.

    *The Green Innovation Fund Project is a policy that provides continuous support for the structural transformation of the energy and industrial sectors, research and development, empirical demonstration and social implementation to accelerate innovation through investment by utilizing a fund established by the METI at the NEDO to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.

    METI Green Innovation Fund(Japanese)

    Specifically, the following proposals were made and adopted as a research and development project on energy management integrated with operation management at transportation companies to enable the large-scale introduction of electric vehicles for commercial use.

    ■Overview of the adopted project

    Project name Overview
    • Realization of carbon neutrality by converting collection and delivery vehicles to EVs, etc., through the construction, R&D and demonstration of an operation management system and energy management system
    • Formulation of an optimal work plan that takes into account the environmental impact and operational efficiency in collection and delivery operations, and the implementation of operational management in executing the plan
    • Implementation of energy management integrated with operation management
    • Use of the established system to convert collection and delivery vehicles (motorcycles and light vehicles) to EVs according to regional characteristics and the optimal placement of recharging infrastructure
    • Construction and large-scale demonstration of energy management systems to encourage the use of commercial electric vehicles
    • Among the projects, the introduction of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles for trunk transportation and the construction of an energy management system integrated with operation management
      *Joint implementation with logistics companies, automakers and other companies

    In promoting the above project, Japan Post will collaborate with the project members, including logistics companies and automakers, to contribute to the creation of a smart mobility society.

  • Participation in the Green Partnership Conference

    The Green Partnership Conference is hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism for the purpose of reducing CO2 emissions in the logistics field. Japan Post participates in this conference as a member. As a part of this conference, Japan Post was granted for the special award at the Green Partnership Conference for the use of their joint trunk transportation, "Super-Full Trailer". This initiative, utilizing "Super-Full Trailer" in cooperation with other logistics companies, was successful in creating a sustainable logistics system, as the project allowed a single truck to transport the cargo of two conventional trucks. This lead to a reduction in the number of vehicles in operation and a reduction in CO2 emissions.

    Click here for details of the initiative.

Collaboration with External Parties

  • 郵便局の魅力を発信するメディア JP CAST List of articles about sustainability