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Group Medium-term Management Plan
Formulation of "JP Vision2025+"
The Japan Post Group has reviewed its Medium-term Management Plan "JP Vision 2025" formulated in May 2021, taking into account changes in the business environment surrounding the Group, and newly formulated "JP Vision2025+" for the two-years planning period of FY2024 and FY2025.
Going forward, aiming to serve as a "Co-creation Platform" to support customers and local communities and to enhance and strengthen our core businesses, we vigorously promote resource shifting to growth fields.
Also, to respond to major changes in the economy and society, we further push forward with DX initiatives that can increase customer experience and employee convenience. At the same time, we embark on reforms to diversify human resources and organizations of the Group, thereby seeking to achieve a shift to a growth stage.
- JP Vision2025+[PDF:3,570kb]