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JP group Sustainability
Sustainability Management

Sustainability Management

Implementing "Sustainability Management," Japan Post Group will seek to realize the Japan Post Group Management Philosophy and contribute to its own sustainable growth and the realization of a sustainable society.

Policy, Approach and Framework

Material Issues Relating to Sustainability

Based on the deliberation of the impact on the corporate value of the Japan Post Group and the importance for and expectations from the stakeholders, the important topics and related topics were summarized as material issues relating to sustainability, and the direction to be taken by the initiatives were considered.

Promotion of Sustainability Management

In "JP Vision 2025+," we set ourselves the Non-financial Targets of building a sustainable society by providing lifelong support in an era of 100-year lifespan, and contribute to the development and revitalization of regional communities all over Japan, and committed itself to the implementation of Sustainability Management.

Dialogue with Stakeholders

It is important for the Japan Post Group to proactively engage in dialogue with diverse stakeholders and ensure appropriate collaboration to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and accomplish sustainable growth as a corporation.

Participation in Initiatives

We participate, endorse, and develop initiatives to contribute to the development of a sustainable society.

External Evaluation

The Group has been selected as a constituent of ESG indices in recognition of its sustainability initiatives.

  • 郵便局の魅力を発信するメディア JP CAST List of articles about sustainability