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Sustainability Management
Integration of ESG factors into asset management and involvement in Collaborative initiatives

Integration of ESG factors into asset management and involvement in Collaborative initiatives

As its basic policy on asset management, the Japan Post Group has determined "When managing funds, we will give all due consideration to the public and social nature of the funds and actively contribute to the revitalization of the community and the building of a sustainable society" in JP Vision 2025+.

The Group is increasing the scope of its consideration of ESG factors in its investment and financing decision-making, bolstering its engagement with investment and financing destinations and actively disclosing information.

Japan Post Holdings receives reports from Japan Post Insurance, a signatory of the United Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), about its ESG investment policies and activities in accordance with the PRI to confirm that it complies with the Group's basic policy on asset management.

For more information on our policy on and results of exercise of Shareholder Voting Policy and Performance, visit the link below.

Signature on PRI

  • 郵便局の魅力を発信するメディア JP CAST List of articles about sustainability