Dialogue with Stakeholders

Stakeholders of the Japan Post Group

Stakeholders Main engagement methods
  • Post of ce counter service personnel, delivery staff, sales personnel, and call centers
  • Websites, social media, etc.
  • Customer satisfaction surveys
  • Integrated Reports and Sustainability Reports
  • General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Video messages for individual investors
  • Financial results briengs, small meetings
  • Dialogues with institutional investors and analysts
  • IR conferences
  • Integrated Reports and Sustainability Report
  • Disaster and COVID-19 countermeasures
  • Cooperation with local governments
  • Flow of funds into communities
  • Watching over communities
  • Next-generation education
  • Dialogues with employees
  • Training
  • Group internal newsletters
  • Employee portal website
  • Employee satisfaction surveys

The Group's Customer Satisfaction Survey

In order to accurately identify the state of products and services from customers' viewpoints and respond to new demand, etc., a survey is conducted on customers' evaluations in terms of their level of satisfaction, their intent to use products and services, etc.
In addition, as an indicator to measure and analyze the details of improving customer satisfaction, the Japan Post Group uses NPS®*.
For the purpose of further improving customer satisfaction, the Japan Post Group will continue to perform fixed-point observation into the future and utilize the findings from the Group's customer satisfaction survey in management.
*NPS®:Net Promoter Score is a registered trademark of Bain & Company, Inc., Fred Reichheld, and NICE Systems, Inc.

Utilizing Customer Feedback in Management

The following are examples of how employees used their creativity to improve products and services based on valuable feedback and requests from customers.

Customer Feedback Improvements
[Japan Post]
It is inconvenient because certain post office counters do not accept cashless payments.
We adopted cashless payments for postal services at approximately 20,000 directly managed post offices countrywide.
[Japan Post Bank]
I want to be able to withdraw money from the ATM without my cash card.
We added a function to the Yucho Bankbook App and by reading the 2-D code on the ATM screen, cash can be deposited or withdrawn without a cash card.
[Japan Post Insurance]
Filling out the forms when conducting procedures is a hassle. I wish it was simpler.
Starting from October 10, 2023, certain procedures can be done paperless.
Furthermore, from March 18, 2024, the scope of paperless procedures has expanded.
As a result, the hassle of filling out customer forms, including paper claims, has been reduced significantly and procedures have been simplified.
■Applicable procedures
・Designation and change to the insurance beneficiary 34
・Claims for hospitalization and surgical insurance benefits, etc. (from March 18, 2024)

Exchanging Opinions with Employees

Meeting for mutual exchange of opinions

At the Japan Post Group, as part of our efforts to realize an open corporate culture, we regularly organize forums where Group employees are able to exchange opinions with the Japan Post Holdings President.
At these meetings, a lively exchange of opinions takes place in accordance with different themes chosen for each meeting, such as the future vision of the Japan Post Group and operational improvements discovered through customer feedback. In addition to disseminating management's intentions to employees throughout the Group, feedback from employees is utilized in management.

Investor Relations Activities Report

To contribute to sustainable growth and enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long term, the Japan Post Group aims to disclose information accurately and equally to all shareholders and investors and endeavors to engage in constructive dialogues. Feedback and requests received through such dialogues are discussed periodically at Board of Directors' meetings, and utilized to improve management.

Activities in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023

Activity Detail
Main respondents*1 Director and Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO; Director and Representative Executive Officer, Senior Executive Vice President; Director and Representative Executive Officer, Executive Vice President; IR Office, Corporate Planning Department
The 18th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Date: June 21, 2023
Individual Interviews with Institutional Investors & Analysts*2 Overseas investors: 97 firms
Domestic investors: 23 firms
Securities analysts: 30 firms
Financial Results Briefings & Small Meetings for Institutional Investors & Analysts*2 Meetings held: 6
Number of participants: 1,049
Major Topics of Interest in Dialogue with Institutional Investors & Analysts
  • Review of Medium-Term Management Plan "JP Vision 2025"
  • Initiatives for the "Action to Implement Management that is Conscious of Cost of Capital and Stock Price"
Status of Feedback to Top Executives and Board of Directors
  • Reporting on the content of the dialogue at Board of Directors' meetings (twice a year)
  • Reporting on the content of the dialogue to top executives (as required)
Matters Undertaken as Initiatives Based on Dialogue, etc.
  • Enhancement of shareholder returns
  • Disclosure of details on initiatives to achieve management conscious of the cost of capital and share price
The 19th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (2024/3) Date: June 19, 2024
  1. Positions as of April 1, 2024
  2. Cumulative number of participants and times

IR annual schedule

First Quarter Apr.  
May Full-year financial results
Jun. General Meeting of Shareholders
Second Quarter Jul. Integrated Report issued
Aug. 1Q financial results
Third Quarter Oct.  
Nov. 2Q financial results
Fourth Quarter Jan. Intermediate disclosure published
Feb. 3Q financial results

Dialogue with outside experts (August 31, 2023)

Director of CSR Asia Japan

On August 31, 2023, outside experts were invited to engage in a dialogue. Three experts provided us with evaluations of the Japan Post Group's main initiatives on sustainability and various opinions and recommendations on our future challenges and their expectations and requests for the Group, etc.

Comments from Experts

ARAI Masaru
Chair of Japan Sustainable
Investment Forum (JSIF)

I believe that the disclosure information in the Annual Report and Annual Securities Report has been enhanced and compiled from a more detailed and holistic perspective. I suggest that each report include a wide range of initiatives of not only the parent company but also its subsidiaries so that we can learn about the strength of the Group as a whole.
While I believe the Co-creation Platform will become a strength of the Group, its impact on future earnings is not clear. Investors are paying attention to how you are changing your strategy in the face of increasing economic uncertainty, and I hope you will communicate this point well. In addition, a place and system to absorb and consider ideas from employees of each company is needed for the monetization of business services. I would like to see the Japan Post Group's network be utilized to provide services.
I've heard that you have been working on various initiatives related to the environment, but it seems that there are many initiatives that have not yet been disclosed to the outside world. Even if it is an initiative that is in the process of being worked on, it is better to disclose what you are aiming for proactively.
Regarding the role of the CHRO, I believe that it is important to integrate the Group's human resources into a coherent system, as well as to link management strategy with human resource strategy, and from the perspective of how human resources should be utilized in the future. In addition, it will be important to explain the Group's human resources strategy from this perspective to the board of directors and have them understand it.

SEKI Masao
Visiting Professor,
The Open University of Japan

The initiative is evolving overall. I want to note that in the diagram regarding the value creation process (p. 46 of the 18th Annual Securities Report and p. 55 of the Annual Report 2023), it is stated that the company will enhance the ability to execute "emergent strategies." I hope that this will not be a mere title, but actually be implemented within the company to foster corporate culture and develop human resources. Also, I have heard that you are going to consider evaluating the results with outcome goals and indicators, and I urge you to proceed.
I can also see that human rights due diligence efforts are evolving each year. In recent years, human rights initiatives in Japanese companies have become polarized between those that are evolving rapidly and those that remain behind the curve. I expect the Japan Post Group, which is close to public entity, to set an example as a progressive company. Please raise the bar toward higher goals by keeping a close eye on the entire value chain, making remedies for human rights violations work, and upgrading the content of the training for all employees that is already being undertaken.
The Local Co-creation Initiative is a co-creation platform that has great significance in fostering leaders of emergent strategies, and I have been paying attention to it for a long time. Please continue to proceed with the efforts and share widely within the company what the experience brings back to you.
In addition, the Japan Post Group has great potential in dealing with an aging society. I would very much like to see you support the community by utilizing your local resources in postal, savings, and insurance services.
Biodiversity is an important issue and the partnership with WWF Japan is a good initiative. I think it would be good to expand the scope of collaboration not only in paper procurement guidelines, which is used a lot in your business, but also in building a strategy for biodiversity as a whole.

Consumer Conference for

The overall impression I get is that the company is stepping up its efforts every year and is enhancing its initiatives. I believe that all of the materialities identify themes that the Japan Post Group should address. However, I felt that there was a lack of specific information on your vision for society and the future envisioned by the Japan Post Group, which should have been the background of the project, and on solutions to social and environmental issues. As for human resources and human capital, I think it is important to explain the values and objectives behind this as it appears to be one step behind a trend.
In order to promote the resolution of sustainability issues, it would be effective to include specific, bottom-up approaches, such as finding issues that can be solved by individual employees based on materiality. If this bottomup movement is linked to improving the ability to execute emergent strategies, it could lead to the creation of corporate value.
I would also like to see more effort in recruiting and empowering people with disabilities from the perspective of utilizing their abilities rather than protecting them.
More dialogue with internal and external stakeholders should be used to identify and resolve issues. I think dialogue will be very important, especially on topics such as gender equality, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community. I hope that you will find a mechanism for relief through dialogue, both in your human rights efforts and in embodying the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Comments of attendees from Japan Post Group in response to comments by experts

ASAI Tomonori
Senior Managing Executive Officer,
Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd.

Objective evaluation of our company's initiatives is a valuable opportunity to receive feedback on the Japan Post Group's position and vector of response. Once again, I would like to thank you.
In response to your comments, we will consider clarifying our long-term vision for sustainability in the future. In order to actively promote the resolution of sustainability-related issues, it is important to establish a mechanism for individual employees to take action on their own. Based on precedents and good practices, we will work to strengthen the bottom-up structure.

MAKI Hirohisa
Executive Officer,
Japan Post Co., Ltd.

We formulated the Human Resources Policy as a basic Japan Post Group policy on human resources. Going forward, we will not only promote human resources initiatives based on these policies, but will also be strongly conscious of communicating the Group's vision and values behind these policies, and will work to make effective use of human resources.
We have always been conscious of the dialogue with our stakeholders, but we now recognize the need for further efforts. We feel that dialogue with people from all walks of life, including women, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ community, and others, in all situations, is the quickest way to discover issues and find solutions. We will focus not only on chasing numerical targets, but also on solving real issues such as changing awareness in the workplace.

TANAKA Hiroyuki
Executive Officer,
Japan Post Co., Ltd.

For ESG initiatives, we believe that both connections to business and profitability are extremely important. We recognize that the challenge ahead is to balance the resolution of social issues with enhancement of corporate value. Japan Post has launched an internal solicitation system for new business proposals, and employees have proposed a variety of ideas that utilize our unique character.
We believe that such bottom-up initiatives that promote employee autonomy are also extremely important.
Another task for the future is to improve our ability to share information and explain that information to the outside world. We hope to work to communicate our company's efforts to society in a more positive manner.

YANO Harumi
Executive Vice President,
Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd.

In our Medium-Term Management Plan, we clarified our purpose, management philosophy, and mission, and announced five key strategies and four materialities, and we aim to achieve ESG management that balances the enhancement of corporate value and the resolution of social issues. From the viewpoint of spreading ESG management to each and every employee, we have formulated the "SDGs declaration" at all of our branches and offices, and have them regularly review the contents of the declaration and implement initiatives to achieve SDGs through their daily work.
As part of the Co-creation Platform strategy, which is a pillar of ESG management, Japan Post launched a new corporate business (the ∑ (sigma) business) that is unique to Japan Post. In the future, we will devise ways of disclosing our unique business model, including the nature of disclosure, so that our stakeholders can better understand it, and we will work with Group companies to update materiality in response to changes in the environment and to set KPIs for outcome evaluation.

SHIMA Toshitaka
Deputy President,
Representative Executive Officer,
Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd.

Taking into account the 17 goals and 169 targets of the SDGs, Japan Post Insurance has identified five materialities based on stakeholder expectations and their importance to our company. We believe it is particularly important to protect the lives of our customers through the post office network and to contribute to the promotion of health through radio calisthenics and other activities.
As part of our response to business and human rights, we revised our Human Rights Policy in August 2023. As part of our human rights due diligence efforts, we conduct surveys of related companies with which we do business to identify and evaluate risks and consider remedial measures.

  • 郵便局の魅力を発信するメディア JP CAST List of articles about sustainability