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JP group Sustainability
Sustainability Management
Policy, Approach and Framework

Policy, Approach and Framework

Japan Post Group Basic Sustainability Policy

Japan Post Group establishes and promotes Japan Post Group Basic Sustainability Policy for achieving our Management Philosophy.

Japan Post Group Basic Sustainability Policy

We, the Japan Post Group, shall endeavor to achieve sustainable growth for the Group and increase corporate value over the medium to long term, by resolving social issues relating to sustainability through the Group's business activities, with the aim of being a "Co-creation Platform" supporting customers and society.

We will contribute to realizing a safe, secure and prosperous society by maintaining fair, transparent and sound management, while also faithfully fulfilling our role as a key infrastructure of local communities through our post office network and employees.

We will work as a group to address each of the following issues through all of our business activities, beginning with universal services in our postal, banking and insurance businesses.

1. Together with Local Communities

  1. We shall strive for sustainable coexistence with local communities by understanding their issues and demands and communicating with stakeholders to provide the best services that cater to the trust and expectations of customers and local communities.

2. Together with the Earth

  1. We shall strive to undertake business operations adapted to the impact of climate change and actively promote business and environmental conservation activities with consideration toward reducing our burden on the environment, as well as contributing to encouraging carbon neutrality both in Japan and abroad.

3. Together with People

  1. We shall respect the human rights of all people involved in the business activities of the Group, endeavor to ensure a safe and friendly working environment, and promote diversity to build a fulfilling workplace where individual employees - who are the source of power for the Group's sustainable growth - can exercise their independence and creativity.

Concept of Sustainability Management

The Japan Post Group articulates in the Japan Post Group Basic Sustainability Policy that it will endeavor to achieve sustainable growth for the Group and increase corporate value over the medium to long term, by resolving social issues relating to sustainability through the Group's business activities.
Additionally, in the Medium-Term Management Plan "JP Vision 2025+," announced in May 2024, we set the goal of sustainability management as "Leveraging the Japan Post Group's strengths, we aim for growth as the Group based on each business strategy. We also seek greater sustainability of society and the Group through improving well-being and contributing to a low-environmental-load society, such as GX," and commit ourselves to promoting sustainability management. JP Vision 2025+ has been approved by the Management Meeting and the Board of Directors.

Sustainability Promotion System

The Sustainability Committee (chaired by the executive officer in charge of the Sustainability Management Department, and meets approximately four times a year, with the attendance of the President and Representative Executive Officer and other officers as special committee members, as necessary), which was established as an advisory body to the Management Meeting, deliberates the risks and opportunities relating to sustainability, policies for addressing sustainability, metrics and targets, and progress on the initiatives, and reports the results of the deliberations to the Management Meeting and the Board of Directors.
In addition, the Japan Post Group Sustainability Liaison Conference, whose members include executive officers in charge of sustainability at each Group company, is also held along with the Sustainability Committee to promote sustainability anagement as a unified Group.
The deliberation status of the Sustainability Committee is reported to the Management Meeting and the Board of Directors.

Sustainability Promotion System

Convening of the Sustainability Committee in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

Date Major deliberation and reporting matters, etc.
1st Meeting
July 4, 2023
The sustainability promotion system, matters related to human capital-oriented management, matters related to climate change measures, matters related to ESG evaluation agencies and institutional investors, matters related to the revision of the Japan Post Group Medium-Term Management Plan (e.g., how to bring the process for value creation to life), matters related to risk management, etc.
2nd Meeting
October 4, 2023
Matters related to the revision of the Japan Post Group Medium-Term Management Plan (e.g., responses to material issues and revision of the targets for reduction of GHG emissions), matters related to human capital-oriented management, matters related to ESG evaluation agencies, matters related to the GX League, etc.
3rd Meeting
December 7, 2023
Matters related to the revision of the Japan Post Group Medium-Term Management Plan (e.g., the positioning of sustainability management, how to bring the responses to material issues to life, revision of the targets for reduction of GHG emissions, addition of quantitative targets, ESG investments), matters related to promotion of sustainability management, risk awareness related to material issues on sustainability and response status, etc.
4th Meeting
March 4, 2024
Matters related to achieving targets in the Japan Post Group Medium-Term Management Plan (e.g., revision of the targets for the reduction of GHG emissions and human capital-oriented management), matters related to sustainability initiatives for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025 (e.g., policies for the initiatives and deliberation of ICP), matters related to the policy for the preparation of the Annual Securities Report and the Annual Report, etc.

Note: The 4th meeting of the Sustainability Committee was attended by MASUDA Hiroya, Director and Representative Executive Officer, President & CEO.

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