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- Japan Post Group Basic Policy for Customer-Oriented Business Operations
Japan Post Group Basic Policy for Customer-Oriented Business Operations
Japan Post Group (hereinafter "the Group*,") has established the Japan Post Group Basic Policy for Customer-Oriented Business Operations to enable the Group companies to work together and execute their business operations based on a customer-oriented mindset.
We will attentively listen to customers and continue to offer better products and services based on customers' needs and wishes, to enable the Japan Post Group to grow.
Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd. monitors the Group companies' business operations to ensure they are properly based on the Policy and other policies established by the Group companies, and provides guidance whenever necessary.
Click here to see how the Financial Services Agency's Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct apply to our business operations (Japanese)
Japan Post Group Basic Policy for Customer-Oriented Business Operations
Emphasizing the security and confidence of the postal network, the Japan Post Group has the Group Management Philosophy which requires us to provide customer-oriented services and support the lives of customers in local communities while demonstrating, as a private corporation, the greatest amount of creativity and efficiency possible for the happiness of customers and employees. The Management Philosophy also requires us to be transparent in terms of business management, observe the rules and contribute to the development of society and local communities.
The Group established the Policy by adopting the Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct published by the Financial Services Agency to increase its promotion of customer-oriented business operations.
Japan Post Co., Ltd., Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd. and Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd., which belong to the Group, establish their basic policies on customer-oriented operations based on the items below.
In accordance with the Policy, the Group sincerely accepts customer feedback and strives to become a corporate group that is truly trusted by customers.
1. Establishing a corporate culture to implement customer-oriented business operations
Under the Group Management Philosophy, the Group Management Policy is to make the customers' lives its top priority, exercise creativity and offer, via our nationwide network, products and services necessary in every stage of customers' lives.
Setting forth the principles of behavior for the Group's officers and employees, the Japan Post Group Charter of Corporate Conduct encourages us to earn the trust of customers by meeting customers' expectations from the customer's perspective.
The Group values and utilizes customer feedback and pushes forward with customer-oriented business operations by working to establish a corporate culture where every officer and employee acts in compliance with the Group Management Policy and the Japan Post Group Charter of Corporate Conduct.
The JP Code of Conduct is our basic stance on the implementation of the Japan Post Group Charter of Corporate Conduct.
2. Offering appropriate products and services based on customers' wishes, etc.
We offer convenient services leveraging the Group's network of post offices and similar facilities around the country and the diversity of our lines of business.
We will try to attentively listen to each customer's wishes and understand their diverse needs and purposes as we seek to offer products and services suitable for every customer with due consideration of the customers' knowledge, experience, age and other attributes.
After sale, we will carefully follow up with customers regarding their maintenance of their assets and their use of our insurance products and services.
Starting with listening to the customer feedback directed to our post offices, call centers and other related facilities across the country, we will also seek to improve and reform our products and services.
3. Offering customers information in an easy-to-understand manner
To ensure that customers choose financial instruments and services suitable for their needs, the Group provides important information such as the characteristics and risks of the products and services in an easy-to-understand manner with due consideration of the customers' knowledge, experience, age and other attributes.
We also continue to work to provide easy-to-understand explanations to customers regarding the expenses they pay for financial instruments and services.
4. Proper transactions with customers
In transacting with customers, the Group tries not to unjustly compromise customers' benefits due to, for example, conflicts of interest that may arise.
5. Motivating employees in the right way
Through the development of human resources and other aspects of its business, the Group motivates all of its employee in the right way to ensure customers are the top priority. At the same time, employees' sales targets will be properly set and personnel appraisals will be properly conducted to thoroughly ensure business operations based on a customer's perspective.
6. Examining our efforts, etc.
The Policy is reviewed annually to improve our business operations in consideration of any changes in social situations or our economic environment, customer feedback and other factors.
See the following links for basic policies on customer-oriented operations established by the major companies of the Japan Post Group.
- Basic Policy for Customer-first Business Operations (Japanese)
—Japan Post
- Basic Policy for Fiduciary Duties (Japanese)
—Japan Post Bank
- Basic Policy for Customer-first Business Operations (Japanese)
—Japan Post Insurance
Specific efforts for customer-oriented business operations and the status of the efforts
1. Japan Post Group's efforts
As a Group-wide effort to increase customer satisfaction, the Japan Post Group has established the Japan Post Group Customer Satisfaction Promotion Liaison Meeting (hereinafter the "Liaison Meeting"). The Liaison Meeting meets every month and is chaired by the officer of Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd. in charge of its customer satisfaction promotion department. Members of the Liaison Meeting are officers of Japan Post Co., Ltd., Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd. and Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd. in charge of their respective customer satisfaction promotion departments. The Liaison Meeting shares customer feedback directed to these companies, their basic policies on customer-oriented operations and how they are followed, good practices, improvements needed at the time and in the future and measures to achieve them.
The status of the Liaison Meeting and the discussions that take place at them are reported monthly to the Management Meeting and reported quarterly to the Board of Directors.

2. The Group companies' efforts
The Group* companies pursue customer-oriented business operations based on their Basic Policy for Customer-Oriented Business Operations established in accordance with their respective operations. Click the following links for specific information about the Group companies' efforts.
- Progress of efforts for customer-oriented operations (Japanese)
—Japan Post
- Our specific efforts for customer-oriented operations and progress of the efforts (Japanese)
—Japan Post Bank
- About our efforts for customer-oriented operations (Japanese)
—Japan Post Insurance
Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd.
We monitor the Group companies operation of their businesses to ensure they follow the Policy and other policies established by the Group companies. Based on the results of this monitoring, we engage in dialogue with the relevant Group companies to share an understanding of the situation and problems at that time before providing guidance when necessary.
An NPS survey is conducted as an index for measuring and analyzing improvements regarding customer satisfaction, etc. in detail, so that we stay up to date on how customer-oriented operations spread throughout the Group. At the same time, the Japan Post Group strives to increase its customers' patronage of its businesses.
*Japan Post Group is the corporate group consisting of the Company, its operating subsidiaries, other subsidiaries (limited to the subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation specified in (iv) of Article 2 of the Regulation on Terminology, Forms and Preparation Methods of Consolidated Financial Statements) and affiliates (limited to those specified separately). The Japan Post Group Basic Policy for Customer-Oriented Business Operations applies to Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd., Japan Post Co., Ltd., Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd. and Japan Post Insurance Co., Ltd. which are collectively referred to as the "Group companies."
- Initiatives to increase customer satisfaction
- Starting with listening to the customer feedback directed to post offices, call centers and other related facilities across the country, the Japan Post Group will seek to improve and reform its products and services.
Click the following links for information about the Group companies' efforts to increase customer satisfaction and improvements based on customer feedback. - Implementation of improvements based on customer feedback (Japanese)
—Japan Post
- Efforts to increase customer satisfaction (Japanese)
—Japan Post Bank
- Successful application of customer feedback in the improvement of management (Japanese)
—Japan Post Insurance