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- Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives at the Japan Post Group
Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives at the Japan Post Group
The Japan Post Group seeks to secure employee safety and maintain and improve their wellness under the following policy, with executive officers of the four main Group companies appointed as Chief Occupational Health and Safety Promotion Officers.
Japan Post Group Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- We aim to prevent occupational accidents and create a comfortable working environment.
- We carry out independent workplace activities in cooperation with employees and aim to further elevate the health and safety standards at each office.
- We adopt measures for managing health, institute measures to deal with overwork, and take steps for mental health to prevent impairment to the health of employees.
- We train health supervisors to enhance the occupational health and safety management system and also provide wellness training and others to raise the consciousness of health and safety among employees.
- We comply with laws and regulations related to industrial health and safety, company regulations, and others.
Please refer to the following page to learn more about the Japan Post Group's health management efforts.
Health Management Initiatives of the Japan Post Group
Please refer to the following page to learn about the transportation safety management efforts of Japan Post Co., Ltd.
Transportation safety management at Japan Post Co., Ltd. (Japanese)
Note: As of the end of FY2021, no offices have obtained certification based on ISO 45001 (occupational health and safety management).
Initiatives Involving Business Partners
The Japan Post Group also recognizes the importance of health and safety initiatives being implemented at its business partners, and has established items related to occupational health and safety in the Japan Post Group CSR Procurement Guidelines. The guidelines require that business partners prevent unforeseen accidents and disasters by maintaining and improving the occupational safety and health environment of employees and all workers, through efforts such as ensuring workplace safety, managing facilities and the workplace environment, ensuring sanitary workplace conditions, periodically managing the health of employees, taking appropriate action to prevent occupational accidents, illness and injury, thoroughly responding in the event of emergencies, and providing education and training to employees.
Please refer to the following page to learn about the Japan Post Group CSR Procurement Guidelines.
Japan Post Group CSR Procurement Guidelines[PDF:273KB]
Health and Safety Management System
In the Japan Post Group, Health and Safety Committee meetings whose members are selected from industrial physicians, health supervisors and employee representatives are convened monthly at offices with 50 or more employees. The committees discuss themes including the prevention of occupational accidents, the status of overtime work and various health issues.
In addition, industrial physicians and health supervisors conduct workplace inspections to check for health and safety issues and make improvements.
Health and Safety Risk Management System
Japan Post Holdings Co.,Ltd appoints one of its executive officers as Group Chief Human Resources Officer (Group CHRO) to act as the person responsible for personnel affairs within the Group. Group CHRO reports on the health of the Group employees and such matters as specific initiatives to maintain and improve wellness in consideration of such situations to the Management Meeting and the Board of Directors every year. The Board of Directors fulfills a supervisory function over safety and health.
Education and Training
The Japan Post Group works with industrial health staff to conduct training on mental health (self-care, or supervisor training, etc.) that is taken by all employees every year.
In addition, internal and external health consultation services have been set up to maintain and advance the physical and mental health of employees.
Japan Post Co., Ltd. also conducts transportation safety training, the implementation status of which can be checked on the following page.
Implementation of Transportation Safety Training
Conducting Stress Checks
The Japan Post Group conducts annual stress checks at all of its offices, including those with less than 50 employees. (In FY2021, 93.8% of employees received stress checks)
Response in the Event of an Occupational Accident
When an occupational accident has occurred or is suspected of having occurred in the Japan Post Group, a report is prepared in a predesignated format and submitted to the head office and other departments responsible for responding. In addition, the matter is reported to the director of the relevant Labor Standards Inspection Office without delay. In addition, the employees involved are interviewed and the incident is investigated to determine the cause, and efforts are made to prevent repeat occurrences by considering improvement measures and disseminating relevant information.
When a serious accident resulting in death occurs, the related departments at the head office work together to conduct an on-site investigation. After analyzing various factors including the cause of the incident, measures are taken to prevent recurrences.
In the event of an occupational accident resulting in an absence from work or similar incident, Japan Post Co., Ltd. will hold a review meeting on site to prevent a recurrence, and at the monthly Safety Measure Council meeting of the branches and head office will analyze the situation that led to the accident, hold a review meeting to discuss measures and take other necessary actions. Japan Post works to prevent the occurrence of similar accidents by having branches and head office to transmit messages about daily activities for attention and individual instructions, depending on the nature of the occurrence or details of the accident. We take preventive measures particularly against single-car accidents outside the premises, which account for a significant proportion of occupational accidents, such as guidance to prevent traffic accidents as well as employee training and requests for inspections for driving in wet weather.
Please refer to the following page for information about the status of occupational accidents.
Workplace Injuries and Illnesses