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The Group Human Resources Policy

The Group Human Resources Policy

5 Gender Equality 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth 10 Reduced Inequalities

To contribute to customers, communities and society and improve corporate value
At the Japan Post Group, to put human capital-oriented management into practice, we have formulated the Group Human Resources Policy to provide basic direction to our efforts in achieving management strategies and human resources strategies.
Through this policy, we will further contribute to our customers, the local communities, and society, and improve corporate value.

Group Human Resources Policy (Policy for Human Resources Development and Policy for the Improvement of the Internal Environment)

The Japan Post Group aims to become a company where all employees can work with "pride and fulfillment."
To achieve this, we will work toward human resources development and the improvement of the internal environment based on the focal points of "Mutually accepting each other's differences," "Enhancing capabilities," and "Demonstrating strengths," to support the development and challenges of employees.


Overall Picture

The positive stance and actions of our employees toward their work will contribute to the customers, local communities, and society, and in this way, we will ensure the enhancement of corporate value in a broader sense. Thus, we will provide all employees, who are "working behind the scenes"* for the customers every day, a workplace where they can find pride and fulfillment and positively engage in their work.

* The credo of MAEJIMA Hisoka, the founder of the postal business: "Do not hesitate to work behind the scenes. Always aspire yourself to bring others good."

To realize a workplace where employees can find pride and fulfillment in their work, we formulated the core of the Human Resources Policy and three focal points of the Human Resources Policy and organized visions, human resources measures, indicators, and targets for each.

By implementing initiatives based on the three focal points of the Human Resources Policy, we will nurture human resources capable of mutually accepting each other's differences, enhancing their own capabilities and demonstrating their strengths.

Additionally, in recognition of the fact that the demonstration of the employees' capabilities and enhanced motivation will lead to the expansion of business, we are planning and implementing human resources measures and promoting the expansion of businesses together with our employees.

Improvement of "Pride and Fulfillment," the Core of the Human Resources Policy

Our Vision and Human Resources Measures

We will achieve employee happiness and improved productivity by enhancing employees' pride and fulfillment (engagement).
To enhance their pride and fulfillment, we believe that providing an environment of "mutually accepting each other's differences" as a foundation, "enhancing capabilities" of individual employees, and individual employees "demonstrating strengths" are indispensable and to this end, we will set specific measures, indicators, and targets and strive to achieve them.
At the same time, we will periodically monitor to what extent the employees are finding pride and fulfillment, analyze and share the results with the employees, and identify any issues and formulate countermeasures.

Indicators and Targets

Applicable companies Measures, indicators, and targets Results
The Company and its operating subsidiaries Employee engagement (pride and fulfillment) score*
Compared to the previous year's evaluation score or higher
Share survey results with employees and carry out continuous improvement measures

* Calculated using the Group ES survey from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024

Focal Point (1) of the Human Resources Policy: "Mutually accepting each other's differences"


  • Achieve "true diversity" in which diverse perspectives and values are respected
    We will aim to become an organization where diverse perspectives and values reflecting individual differences in experience, skills, and attributes are mutually accepted and respected, allowing each employee to play an active role with peace of mind and bringing about innovation.
  • Promote flexible and diverse work styles
    By developing flexible work and leave systems under appropriate labor management systems and nurturing a culture where such systems are easily used, we will promote diverse work styles where employees can work comfortably, maintain their health, and maintain a balance between work and life events.

Our Vision, Measures, Indicators, and Targets

We will encourage a sense of security and innovation and enhance employees' pride and fulfillment by aiming for an environment where employees mutually accept and respect each other's differences and skills and diverse work styles, upon ensuring their health.

Applicable companies Measures, indicators, and targets Results
The Company and its operating subsidiaries Achieve Health Management KPIs (2025/3)
①Rate of employees requiring medical attention 1 and 2*: 1% or less
②Rate of no longer requiring Specified Health Guidance: 23% or higher
①1.17% (2024/3)
②24.3% (2024/3)
Childcare leave acquisition rate for both men and women: 100% Women: 100% Men: 98.3% (2024/3)
Average days of childcare leave acquired by men: 1 month or more Average 35.0 days (2024/3)
Recognized cases of harassment: Less than the previous fiscal year
Employment rate for persons with disabilities: 3.0% (2026/3) 2.56% (June 2023)
Head offices of the Company and its operating subsidiaries Ratio of women in management positions at our head office: 30% (2031/4/1) 16.2% (2024/4/1)

* People requiring emergency or urgent medical attention

Specific Human Resources Measures

Focal Point (2) of the Human Resources Policy: Enhancing capabilities


  • Support career formation by providing opportunities for challenges and improve their capabilities
    We will support career formation that emphasizes the motivation of employees by building a system in which employees can feel "employees who try hard are rewarded," while also providing learning opportunities including employees' own vision of their future selves, as well as opportunities for challenges and growth.
  • Promote DX, acquire skills, and enhance expertise
    We will increase the efficiency of business operations through the promotion of DX and other means, while re-examining the business model and workflows and supporting the acquisition of skills in new operations and the enhancement of expertise in each operation.

Our Vision, Measures, Indicators, and Targets

We will emphasize the willingness to take on challenges and grow and raise the pride and fulfillment of employees by providing a tangible sense that efforts get rewarded through the acquisition of skills necessary for proactive career formation and the promotion of DX.

Applicable companies Measures, indicators, and targets Results
The Company and its business subsidiaries Implement measures for career formation and support
(Carrying out re-skilling measures for senior employees, etc.)
Implementation of career training
In-house recruitment within the Group*
Number of people Equal to or greater than the previous fiscal year
Head offices of the Company and its business subsidiaries Head offices (all employees), branches (applicable employees)
Attendance rate of DX training: 100% (2026/3)
Attendance rate:Approximately 94.0% (Number of attendance:10,200(As of 2024/3))

*It has been implemented among head office organizations since 2023/3, and will be implemented company-wide, including front organizations, from 2025/3.

Specific Human Resources Measures

Focal Point (3) of the Human Resources Policy: "Demonstrating strengths"


  • Human resources development and assigning the right person to the right job to ensure customer-oriented services
    We will provide customer-oriented services under the optimal assignment of personnel based on our management strategies, by nurturing employees who can demonstrate their strengths and creativity for customers and building an environment where the right person is assigned to the right job.
  • Demonstrating strengths and creativity through corporate culture reforms
    We will carry out reforms to achieve a transparent corporate culture by such means as promoting internal and external personnel exchanges and proactively recruiting outside talent and to provide an environment where employees can demonstrate their strengths and creativity to the maximum extent.

Our Vision, Measures, Indicators, and Targets

We will encourage employees to demonstrate their strengths and creativity by ensuring employees work with a sense of the right person being assigned to the right job and through reforms to ensure a transparent organization, raise the employees' pride and fulfillment.

Applicable companies Measures, indicators, and targets Results
The Company and its business subsidiaries Appropriate fit score* Over the previous fiscal year's evaluation score 2.70 pt (2024/3)
Average days taken for leave of 18 days or more Average of 19.5 days (2024/3)
Maintain 2022/3 levels*for the number of persons participating in inter- Group personnel exchanges

* Approximately 1,500 people exchanged between the four companies in the Group

Achieved in 2024/3
Head offices of the Company and its business subsidiaries Number of persons engaged in strategic side businesses: Greater than the previous fiscal year 45 persons (2024/3)
Promotion of mid-career recruits 52 persons (2024/3)

* Calculations were made using the Group ES survey from 2024/3

Specific Human Resources Measures

Background of the Group Human Resources Policy

We sorted the narratives and concepts underlying the various human resources measures and included them in the Group Human Resources Policy. The policy determines the basic direction for the efforts required in achieving the management strategies and human resources strategies based on the Medium-Term Management Plan. Through this policy, we will expand our contribution to the customers, local communities, and society and ultimately to the improvement of corporate value. At the same time, we are addressing the social demands to disclose our initiatives relating to "human capital" that form our intangible assets.
The majority of our 400,000 employees who are on the front lines responding to customers make up the foundation of the Group's businesses. So, special emphasis was placed on those on the front lines. We place a premium on their mutual acceptance and the enhancement of their motivation and capabilities. We also recognize that the series of recent scandals have impacted the pride and fulfillment of those on the front lines and have lowered their motivation and engagement. We believe that restoring and improving them is essential for our business

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