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Respect for Human Rights

Japan Post Group Human Rights Policy

Japan Post Group recognizes that the respect for human rights of all persons involved in our business activities is indispensable to the achievement of a sustainable society.
Accordingly, in April 2019 the Group established Japan Post Group Human Rights Policy, in accordance with international principles, such as the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Japan Post Group will promote human rights initiatives across the Group.

Japan Post Group Human Rights Policy

  1. 1.
    Working to realize our management philosophy, Japan Post Group (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") recognizes that the respect for human rights is an important social responsibility. By fulfilling the responsibility, the Group will contribute to the realization of a society which is safe, secure and enriched.
  2. 2.
    As a signatory company of the United Nations Global Compact, the Group complies with applicable laws in the areas where it operates its business, and upholds human rights by respecting the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
  3. 3.
    This policy applies to officers and employees of the Group. The Group expects that its stakeholders will also respect human rights in the same manner.
  4. 4.
    The Group respects human rights, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, language, religion, politics or creed, nationality or social origin, poverty or wealth, birth, disability, etc. The Group also aims to avoid indirect discrimination.
  5. 5.
    The Group ensures safe and comfortable working environments that are free of harassment. In addition, the Group does not tolerate human rights violations, such as forced labor and child labor.
  6. 6.
    In order to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights, the Group works to promote and revitalize awareness activities concerning human rights issues, such as the "Dowa issue" (Buraku discrimination ). The Group also strives to deepen recognition and understanding of the issues, and to avoid and reduce negative effects on human rights. In the event that any negative effects on human rights arise, the Group will respond appropriately.
  7. 7.
    The Group deliberates on this policy in Japan Post Holdings CSR Committee and the Group CSR Liaison Conference, which deliberate on the Group's responses to environmental and social issues. The Group then makes decisions based on discussions in Japan Post Holdings Management Meeting. The content of the policy will be reviewed as appropriate, based on changes in the business environment and on dialogs with stakeholders.

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